Services and Times

  • 8AM - Traditional Worship in Chapel

  • 9:30 -Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

  • 11:00 - Contemporary Worship in Kirk Hall

You are worthy of community and God’s love.

Central College Church in Westerville, Ohio, has served as a cornerstone to the Columbus-area community since the late 1800s while simultaneously providing ministry possibilities for all followers of Jesus Christ on their trip down Redemption Road.

Central College stands by its purpose to make the kingdom of God manifest in all we do, nourishing not just our faith and spirit but also reaching out to our world. So, whether you've been here for years, are new to the church, or are still finding out what Christianity means to you, join us as we continue on this journey that we've been welcomed onto called the Christian Life, because you're invited too!

Together, let’s make the Kingdom of God Visible.

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Groups and Ministries

LIFE Groups

Do LIFE together.

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Children’s Ministry, the Central College way.

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Youth Ministry

Mission. Outreach. Education. Fun.

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Join Central College Church and become a partner today.

We find it helpful on so many levels to remember that it's ultimately God's Mission and not mine and not even the church's. Our focus at Central College is on partnering with the Holy Spirit and others to bring a person one step closer to Jesus.

Outreach: Local, Regional and Global